Al-Harith Taha
He came at once, without an appointment, and quickly, bringing with him all the support and pain for the ISIS terrorist attacks that took place in Israel, as he described it. He did not only denounce or denounce, as some foreign ministers from the other side did, but rather he came with the majesty of his ability to say, “I stand today not as the foreign minister of the largest country in the world. No, I stand today as a Jew with a calamity. Yes, a Jew, even if he holds American citizenship and holds the position.” The largest in America, the undisputed head of American diplomacy.
“I bring with me absolute sympathy and support from the American administration to respond to the terrorist attacks on my religious homeland, Israel, and we stand united with any political and military move towards any country that dares to attack the dignity of the Jewish people and the Israeli state.” This is what he declared to the world.
So, he presented his diplomatic project during the war phase against groups, organisations, and the state that undermined Israel’s security. Its most important clause and the first steps to implement it was “Israel First.” This clause is considered the most important throughout history. Any strategic dimension that Israel sees to protect its lands is protected and guaranteed by the American administration and its decisions. Internationally.
The work of the US Secretary of State in the coming period is the same as that of the Israeli Foreign Minister, or he may be the Foreign Minister of the Hebrew State. Any decision that is in line with Israel’s vision of building a stronger state and more protected from future attacks is itself an American and international decision by the countries that guarantee the existence of the Jewish state.
So, Blinken, the US-Israeli Foreign Minister, began his work on a whirlwind tour in the region and the world, and he may live in the air for a while due to the enormous number of movements between countries and Israel. As did his former mentor, the architect of American policy, Henry Kissinger, the Jewish Foreign Minister, during his tours in the earlier war in October 1973 to ensure the survival and security of the State of Israel. Those meetings he had with the Egyptians, Syrians, and Gulf states.
Today, history repeats itself, with the same parties and the same victims on that land.
Blinken had no choice but to establish diplomatic principles with the Egyptian presidency, which controls the Egyptian decision to allocate part of the land of Sinai to the people of Gaza, to which the Palestinians will be displaced at a later time, and this region, specifically the Egyptian Arish, will be under their administration, and from there the administration will be transferred to the Palestinians in the future. This zone will be demilitarized and autonomous, with its international decisions linked exclusively to the Egyptian intelligence service.
Blinken then moved to the Gulf states to request the opening of funding budgets for that land and the future state, and accordingly the Gulf states allocate an annual budget supported by America with annual aid as well to ensure the continuation of that state and create economic and international conditions to build it according to purely American standards.
So, Blinken moves to Europe, France, Germany, and Britain, to garner the greatest support for his American-Israeli vision, given that he holds two foreign portfolios at the same time. To impose an alignment of a group of decision-making countries in the world behind the Israeli decision and presence in the region.
After senior military leaders ordered the movement of the largest aircraft carrier in the American army, and the most advanced, towards the shores of Israel to support and parallel the Israeli army, within one day of the attacks on what America describes as terrorists, and three days later, he ordered sending another aircraft carrier located in the Arabian Gulf to move in the same direction to… The northern coast of Israel. He monitors the situation in his office in the Pentagon building for what is happening in Israel, surrounded by a large group of military advisors to assess the field situation, develop quick plans to contain the ongoing strikes by the Qassam Brigades, respond with air or missile strikes through satellites, and identify targets by commanders in the Pentagon. And pass it on to military commanders on the ground in Israel.
After a meeting between US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and his senior advisors, the latter reached an important conclusion, which was the failure of the Israeli military on the ground and their incompetence in managing a war. Austin could not have decided to manage the battle not from his office in the Pentagon but from the headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv. Aviv and with him a large group of military advisors who are most knowledgeable in the sciences of war.
A difference has emerged in the American vision itself between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Blinken believes that Israel is the closest country and an integral part of America and seeks to exist as a sovereign state over the largest land that it may seize in the future.
While the US Department of Defense believes that it is the largest US military base in the Middle East, and it is the center of US military operations historically and in the future. So, Israel will be the largest naval base, based on the movement of aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Gulf, and the largest military base, as it was built in the past.